Chopins Revolutionary Etude in Octaves played by Antonio Domingos Faster Version
© 2017 Antonio Domingos • DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME. OR ANYWHERE ELSE. (see below) • Alexander Dreyschock (1818-1869) was a Czech pianist and composer who has remained famous in piano-playing history for reportedly having played Chopin's “Revolutionary” Etude in left-hand octaves instead of single notes, as it had been composed. The story goes that, on overhearing his mentor conjecture, presumably half in jest, that some day a pianist who could play Chopin's Revolutionary etude in octaves would appear, Dreyschock apparently not only took the suggestion seriously, but took it upon himself to make it a reality. It is said that he practiced it for twelve hours a day during six weeks, until he had mastered the stunt in question. Although many musically knowledgeable listeners confirm that he actually managed to pull off the etude in tempo with the above-mentioned octave doubling, unfortunately he died long before the era of phonograph recording, so it is impossible to know how it really sounded. • The above video is an attempt to approximately replicate Dreyschock's stunt, with some thirds, sixths, and sixth-chords thrown in; if it were to be played ENTIRELY in octaves, it would sound “wooden” and supersaturated in certain passages. Please note that this should NOT be attempted by students or amateur pianists; being extremely fatiguing, it could result in serious, possibly even permanent, injury to the hand. • • Antonio Domingos toca Estudio 'Revolucionario' de Chopin en Octavas, Tercios, y Sextas • Antonio Domingos joue l'Etude 'Révolutionnaire' de Chopin en Octaves, Tierces, et Sixièmes • Antonio Domingos spielt Chopins 'Revolutionären' Etude in Oktaven, Terzen und Sexten • Antonio Domingos gioca Studio 'Rivoluzionario' di Chopin in Ottave, Terzi, e Seste • Antonio Domingos toca Estudo 'Revolucionário' de Chopin em Oitavas, Terças e Sextas • 安东尼奥·多明戈斯扮演肖邦的“革命”以八度练习曲,三分,六分之