Sai CONIUGARE i Verbi Italiani TEST sulla Coniugazione dei VERBI in ITALIANO ✏️
Are YOU Learning Italian? • LearnAmo Collection: • If you want to stay up to date with the latest contents we publish day by day, follow us on: • Facebook: / learnamo • Instagram: / learnamo • Twitter: / learnamo • Today we are going to propose you a test on the conjugation of some Italian verbs, which is going to put to the test your skills and knowledge. However don't worry if you make some mistakes because we learn when we fail. But be careful because some questions can hide snares! • Italian Test: difficult conjugation! • Let's get it started but, before you answer, you can take a look at the lessons from the links below: • • 1) What's the simple present indicative tense of the verb solere (to be in the habit of)? • 2) What's the present subjunctive tense of the verb nuocere (to harm/hurt physically and mentally)? • 3) What's the passato remoto tense of the verb fremere (to tremble/to be shaken-upset)? • 4) What's the compound future tense of the verb soccombere (to succumb/die/be defeated)? • 5) What's the simple present indicative of the verb contorcere (to squirm/twist)? • 6) What's the imperfect indicative tense of the verb benedire (invoking God's protection on someone or something/to bless)? • 7) What's the past participle tense of the verb dirimere (to resolve through authority)? • 8) What's the passato remoto tense of the verb espellere (To expel/sending away)? • 9) What's the present subjunctive tense of the verb dolere (to ache/feeling pain)? • Futuro Semplice Anteriore: • Il FUTURO italiano (semplice e compos... 😁 • Participio Passato: • PASSATO PROSSIMO + PARTICIPIO PASSATO... 🤓 • Passato Remoto: • Il PASSATO REMOTO Italiano: Come si F... 🧐 • Congiuntivo Presente: • CONGIUNTIVO PRESENTE e PASSATO italia... 🤨