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#RealCustomerReview • In this video Jason shares his experience with the NeuroMD® Corrective Therapy Device. • Read through over 1000+ verified reviews from people using the NeuroMD® Corrective Therapy Device here: • ***** • The NeuroMD® Corrective Therapy Device places the body in proper optimal function by starting at the source: the core and lower back. • While back pain is unique case-by-case, the body’s fundamental muscle, bone and joint structure are highly similar. When your improving the function and health of the musculoskeletal system you will always experience positive results. • NeuroMD® incorporates clinically proven NMES (Neuromuscular electrical stimulation) to target the root causes of back pain and restore total back health. • 1. The first pain reduction pathway is through strengthening and balancing the muscles in the lower back which stabilize and align the spine. • 2. The secondary pathway of pain relief is NeuroMD's ability to reduce inflammation and heal damaged tissues by increasing blood flow to the area. • NeuroMD Medical Technologies is leader in biomedical technology and prides it's self on being on cutting-edge of health innovation. • NeuroMD's mission is to help the 31 million Americans who suffer from back pain by providing the first corrective therapy device that restores the source of the pain and provides lasting relief. • NeuroMD believes the sooner the world stops relying on treating symptoms and moves towards curing the root cause, the better. • The Corrective Therapy Device is a safe, drug-free, long term pain relief device and protocol based on the results of 5 clinical studies. With our corrective therapy device, we wanted to give people everything they needed to get lasting pain relief and if they follow the protocol consistently, they will inevitably experience the results as seen in the studies...Optimal function and long-term pain relief, leading to a better quality of life. • If you have any questions at all, give NeuroMD a call at 877-300-9062, or visit: