The Promise 천상의 약속 EP9 SUB ENGCHN 20160223
Click the Caption button to activate subtitle! • ------------------------------------------------ • Ep.9: Taejun can’t find the words to tell Nayeon about going abroad. Without a clue, Nayeon is excited about going on a date with Taejun and waits for him. But Gyeongwan calls Taejun saying he has a personal favor to ask of him. • 泰俊把留美的计划告诉娜燕,娜燕听了真心为他高兴,并答应说会等他回来。从前几天开始,娜燕一直觉得恶心就吃了一些消化剂,结果还是决定去一下妇产科。 • #ThePromise #天上的约定 #凍える華 #천상의약속 • #leeyuri #seojunyeong #songjongho #parkhana • As the proverb goes, The apple does not fall far from the tree, the mother, who was unloved by her parents, sacrifices everything she has for the man she loved, but she gets betrayed. No matter how much she loved him, she ends up as a single mother just like her mother. Her daughter, watching her mother's life closely, decides not to live like her. However, those who betrayed her trample the lives of the two women. The mother and daughter can do everything to achieve their goal even if they have to hurt other people. And, this is their greed. They should get paid enough for what they have done. The daughter is so depressed that she has got nothing to lose, she has her last chance. Her twin sister, adopted by the rich family when she was a baby, passes away and she gets her place after that. She stays close to the mother and daughter and slowly she destroys their life. Yet, it is their matter of wanting to. The daughter gets hurt by her mother's trap. Watching her daughter bleed, the mother finally realizes what she has done. This story is about the betrayal of the loved ones and the meaning of true love. And, while the saying, What goes around comes around, is true, the main message of the story is that sincere love always wins. • 《天上的约定》讲述由两代母女的狠毒爱情被蹂躏并被深爱的男人抛弃的女子的曲折人生。她为报复一对夺走自己初恋的母女伪装成自己的双胞胎姐姐开始一段彻底的血色复仇人生。 • 「天上の約束」は愛する人に裏切られ、2代にわたる邪悪な愛に踏みにじられた、一人の女性の波乱万丈な人生を描く。初恋の彼を奪った、ある母娘に復讐するため、双子の姉に生まれ変わり凄絶な復讐を行う。