Amish Mennonite Auction in Scottsville KY 2021 First Chicken Consignment
This is a video showing the process of getting ready to sell poultry at the Scottsville Amish Auction in the Spring of 2021. We sold almost 40 birds and had a great time. We love this sell because there is so much happening at once. There are more than 5 auctioneers selling at different items that range from home goods to livestock to farm equipment. They have vendors that sell tack, clothing, plants, and so much more. We hope you like our first long video and our first attempt at selling chickens at this sell. • We raise Orpington chickens, both buff and lavender, at our farm. It was a goal for us to co-sign at a sell and we decided that the Scottsville sell would be a perfect start. It’s close to home and normally draws a large crowd. For more information go like our Facebook and Instagram page @diamondbfarm1994 • #chicken #quail #jumbo #orpington #amish #auction #poultry #orpington #chicks #jumbocoturnix