Lighting Small FIREWORKS The Best Fireworks After 4th of July
At times, the best fireworks in life are those that last a long time, cost only a penny, and are so fun to mess around with. Often times, I myself forget the benefits that little fireworks bring. They are so joyful and entertaining, even after the 4th of July! • DEMO: • Patriot stick fireworks • Bug zapper fireworks • Hen laying egg fireworks • Shazam fireworks fountain • Strobe pot fireworks • Kicks fountain fireworks • 4th of July video 2020: • Happy 4th of July 2020 (M80s, Quarter... • M-80 Firecrackers: • Where do M-80 Firecrackers Come From? • This is my second channel of XephyrCraft. Welcome. Here we will be doing extras, specifically celebrating our country with fireworks. I enjoy a wide variety of audiences, and fireworks are one of my favorite hobbies since I was a kid. Subscribe if you haven't already, and enjoy the fun. God bless America.