Tiger VS Grizzly Bear FIGHT TO DEATH
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Tiger versus lion • Historically, the comparative merits of the tiger versus the lion have been a popular topic of discussion by hunters, naturalists, artists, and poets, and continue to inspire the popular imagination in the present day.[1][2][3] Lions and tigers have competed in the wild where their ranges have overlapped. They have also interbred, producing tigons or ligers as offspring. The most common reported circumstance of their meeting is in captivity, either deliberately or accidentally. • In the circuses of Ancient Rome, exotic beasts were commonly pitted against each other. The contest of the lion against the tiger was a classic pairing and the betting usually favoured the tiger.[4][5] A mosaic in the House of the Faun in Pompeii shows a fight between a lion and a tiger.[6] Titus, the Roman Emperor, had Bengal tigers compelled to fight the African lions, and the tigers always beat the lions.[7] A tiger that belonged to the King of Oude killed thirty lions, and destroyed another after being transferred to the zoological garden in London.[8] A British officer who resided many years at Sierra Leone saw many lion and tiger fights, and the tiger usually won.[9] At the end of the 19th century, the Gaekwad of Baroda arranged a fair fight between a Barbary lion and a Bengal tiger before an audience of thousands as the Asiatic lions were no match for the Bengal tigers. The Gaekwad favoured the lion, and as a result had to pay 37,000 rupees as the lion was mauled by the tiger.[2][10] • For more info please go to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiger_v... • • Lion ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lion ) • The lion (Panthera leo) is one of the five big cats in the genus Panthera and a member of the family Felidae. The commonly used term African lion collectively denotes the several subspecies found in Africa. With some males exceeding 250 kg (550 lb) in weight,[4] it is the second-largest living cat after the tiger. Wild lions currently exist in sub-Saharan Africa and in Asia (where an endangered remnant population resides in Gir Forest National Park in India) while other types of lions have disappeared from North Africa and Southwest Asia in historic times. Until the late Pleistocene, about 10,000 years ago, the lion was the most widespread large land mammal after humans. They were found in most of Africa, across Eurasia from western Europe to India, and in the Americas from the Yukon to Peru.[5] The lion is a vulnerable species, having seen a major population decline in its African range of 30–50% per two decades during the second half of the 20th century.[2] Lion populations are untenable outside designated reserves and national parks. Although the cause of the decline is not fully understood, habitat loss and conflicts with humans are currently the greatest causes of concern. Within Africa, the West African lion population is particularly endangered. • For more info please go to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lion • If you want yo see more best animals videos Please check keyword such as below: • animals, • Tiger Vs Dog, • Tiger Vs Tiger, • Animal Attacks, • Lions Vs Tigers, • Tigers Vs man, • Lions Vs Crocodile, • Lions Vs Man, • tiger attack, • african animals, • animals video, • african lion, • tiger video, • cute tiger, • african tiger, • wild tiger, • cute tigers, • lions and tigers, • tiger, • tigers, • bengal tiger, • black tiger, • tiger wallpaper, • tiger pictures, • delhi zoo tiger, • delhi tiger attack, • baby tigers, • pictures of tigers, • tiger photos, • bengal tigers, • tiger photo, • tiger in zoo, • lions, • tasmanian tiger, • tieger, • south china tiger, • pictures of white tigers, • a tiger, • white siberian tiger, • different types of tigers, • wild tigers, • malayan tiger, • tiger mom, • tiger habitat, • tiger species, • tiger population, • albino tiger, • sumatran tiger, • wildlife, • the tiger,