Mortlach 30YearOld Midnight Malt
Be the selected few and experience the exclusive Mortlach 30-Year-Old, Midnight Malt. • Thanks to the three-cask finish, The Midnight Malt introduces unexpected layers of richness and intensity. • The Calvados casks bring sweet apple to the palate, while wine and rum casks enhance the whisky’s rich winey and spicy intensity, ever so deep with a hint of mint chocolate that lingers. • Behold for a wild unleashing of Mortlach’s wildest characteristics, deep and enigmatic to be fully discovered and appreciated. • 可遇不可求的Mortlach 30年,誰能拒絕一試? • 呈誘人琥珀金色的Mortlach 30年,又名Midnight Malt,以美國及歐洲橡木桶熟成後,再於波爾多葡萄酒桶、Calvados蘋果白蘭地酒桶及瓜地馬拉蘭姆酒桶過桶,令酒液帶蘋果香氣、紅酒香醇和層層疊進的辛香,最後以一絲薄荷朱古力作結。 • 讓Mortlach 30年引領你踏上前所未有的旅程,發掘斯佩河岸最神祕的一面。 • #PleaseDrinkResponsibly #MortlachHK #TheBeastOfDufftown