SJ4000 DIY USB AV Out Cable Instructions and Details


My previous video demonstrating AV out on the SJ4000 with this same cable:    • SJ4000 AV Out via USB (for FPV)   • In this video, I will show you exactly what you need to do to a standard MicroUSB cable to modify it to work as an AV out cable for the SJ4000 action camera. This isn't a step-by-step guide, but simply a detailed look at a converted cable. The process itself is pretty straight forward - please see the steps below. • There are 7 steps to actually making the modification to a standard MicroUSB cable: • 1) Cut the standard Type A plug (the end you connect to your computer) off of the MicroUSB cable. • 2) Strip the outer plastic layer off of the USB cable, as well as the internal insulation shielding that wraps around the 4 wires (red, green, black and white). • 3) Trim your 4 wires down the an appropriate length (depending on the length of the cable). • 4) Take one of the excess wires you trimmed off to use to solder onto pin 4 on the MicroUSB end of the cable (pick your favorite color from red, green, black or white - I used white). • 5) Strip a small amount of the silicone end off of the new excess lead you plan on using for connecting to pin 4 and solder it onto the MicroUSB connector in the empty pin connection (pin 4). • 6) Once soldered, strip the other end of your newly soldered lead (pin 4) and the black ground wire (pin 5) and wire those into the appropriate device - such as your video transmitter on your FPV setup, or a regular composite cable for testing purposes. • 7) Test your cable! • WARNING!!!: Because you are using one of the excess wires you cut off, please be sure to pay attention when you actually go to connect your cables to your video device (or composite cable). Please ensure you are actually using your newly soldered pin 4 wire (white in my case) and the black ground wire on pin 5. To avoid confusion, you could completely remove the wires on pins 1, 2 and 3 - unless you plan on connecting your power lead into a 5 volt power source to power the camera and charge the battery. I won't go into those details here. • Please feel free to ask any additional questions in the comments.


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