Pwad: Satan's Lair • Author: Jeffrey Kung • Date: 1st August 1994 • Map: e1m1 • Category: UV -Fast • Executable: Doom.exe • Time: 8:38 • • Welcome to slaughter maps 1994 style. Which generally means large sprawling maps with lots of labyrinthine winding passages and monsters scattered everywhere. You get all the weapons, and more than enough ammo to fuel them, but usually the monster crowds just aren't thick enough to make for the truly satisfying spammathon you get in a modern day slaughter map. I played this for a bit on plain old UV, got bored, decided to bump the difficult up to -fast to make things more challenging, and ended getting a faster time. • • Figuring out the best way to run it was a nice challenge though. My aim was to pick up the BFG as early as possible, and there's a shortcut jump through a window at 1:57 that I don't think the author intended. The rest is all very easy, the chief difficulty is in managing your ammo, as you will occasionally run low on cells. Also I'm not sure if the method I use to clear out the sargeants+demons room is the best, but it's a mixture of deaf and non-deaf monsters, some hidden in far corners of the map, and it's not as though there's even anything in there you need to pick up to finish the level. Which could be said of most of it, really. • • This was Jeffrey Kung's only level. His only release after this was an update/expansion of it for Doom 2 in early 1995, and I'm interested to see if he made it more slaughter-y and difficult. And I noticed this in the text file: Because this file is a little on the hefty side, you can't save any part of the wad file. This level is large by 1994 standards, and you couldn't save your game if you were running Doom v1.2 because it wouldn't fit in the savegame buffer. The buffer size was lifted from 128k to 192k in later releases though, so it saves fine under 1.9. • • There's a slightly more showstopping bug near the end of the level however. If you download the original 1994 version of this from the idgames archive, most of the time when you try to take the rising platform in the final room (but, frustratingly, not ALL the time, and I wasn't able to work out why that was) the game will crash with a P_PlayerInSpecialSector: unknown special [random number] message. I don't know what causes this. The version available at the DSDA was cleaned up sometime in 2000 and no longer has that error, so download it from here instead: • • Video captured using prboom-plus


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