Brother William Branham Miracles at the Chicago Campaign


From the minute he was born (April 6, 1909), William Branham was set apart from the ordinary. Right after he was born, a light, almost like a star, flew into the room and startled his parents Charles and Ella Branham. The strange light circled the room several times, then stopped over the bed hovering over the new mother and child. Then as quickly as it had come in, the fireball left, whirling up past the rafters and out through the roof. Ella Branham, thought that her child has been dreaming, when one day he came running into to house, and told her that a little bird had told him that you will live near a city called New Albany . Shortly after, the family moved to New Albany. • However, the most supernatural event that would affect William Branham happened when he was seven years old. He noticed a whirlwind in a tree, a tree. As he watched, a voice suddenly boomed from the tree saying, “Don’t ever drink, or smoke, or defile your body in any way. There will be work for you to do when you get older.” He became hysterical, and would not calm down. A doctor was summoned, who declared that he was just nervous, and would get over it with time. He never went near that tree again. (...) •


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