Jameson Distillery Tour Factory Manufacturing amp Whiskey Tasting in Dublin

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Welcome to my channel! Join me on an exciting journey through the Jameson Distillery in Dublin. In this video, we'll explore the entire process of manufacturing Jameson whiskey, starting from the factory and ending with a whiskey tasting session featuring three distinct varieties: Original, Crested, and Black Barrel. You'll get an insider's look at how Jameson whiskey is made, from the raw ingredients to the final bottling, all while learning about the rich history and traditions that make Jameson unique. • Throughout the tour, we'll delve into the meticulous craftsmanship that goes into each bottle, highlighting the traditional methods and modern techniques employed by Jameson distillers. The tour culminates in a tasting experience where we'll analyze the flavors and aromas of the three different whiskeys under the guidance of our expert host. • Sit back, relax, and enjoy this virtual tour of the Jameson distillery in Dublin. Whether you're a whiskey enthusiast or simply curious about the art of distillation, this video offers a comprehensive overview that's both educational and entertaining. • Liked this tour, watch the tour of the Guinness Factory in Dublin: • ☘️IRSKA 25: 🍺GUINNESS Tvornica St.James Gate Brewery Tour    • ☘️IRSKA 25: 🍺GUINNESS Tvornica St.Jam...   • Guinness Factory -Guinness Beer Barrels= Packaging Transportation    • Guinness Factory -Guinness Beer Barre...   • 🍺 How to pour a proper pint of Guinness:    • 🍺Kako pravilno natočiti čašu Guinnessa?   • Sve sto morate znati o pivi:    • Sve što Morate Znati o PIVU🍺Borna Zub...   • In this video • 00:00 Intro • 00:05 Jameson Distilery History • 04:20 Jameson Whiskey Manufacturing • 12:57 Jameson Whiskey Tasting • 14:00 Jameson Whiskey Original • 17:59 Jameson Whiskey Crested • 22:42 Jameson Whiskey Black Barrel • Ja inače radim puno vida o Irskoj pa ako vas to zanima bacite pogled na ovu playlistu: • 🍀Život u Irskoj: •    • NIJE Dovoljno PRESELITI u Irsku   • Za sve informacije o YOUTUBU, kanalima i statistici instaliraj si besplatni Chrome extension: • 🔺TUBEBUDDY- https://www.tubebuddy.com/BORNATUBERS • 🔴Želite se kvalitetno educirati preporučam vam ovaj video o YouTube EDUKACIJI:    • 🔴YouTube Edukacija | Kako biti konkur...   • Za sve ostale videe o YouTubu gledajte videe u ovoj playlisti: •    • 🔴2 Godine na Youtubu | Što sam naučio   • #jameson #ireland #jamesondistillery • Hvala ti što gledaš moje videe; ja sam Borna i preselio sam se u Irsku krajem 2018 sa idejom da si unaprijedim karijeru i dignem život na novu razinu i u 2019 sam počeo raditi ovaj YouTube kanal gdje pričam o mojim dojmovima, karijeri i mindsetu. • 😎Borna Zuber na društvenim mrežama slobodno se povežite: • Instagram:   / zuber_borna   • Linkedin:   / borna-zuber-98042a46   • A ako vas interesira🎯 Uspjeh u životu i radite na sebi i vjerujete da će te kroz osobni razvoj ili ti personal Development postići više u životu onda je ovo Playlista za tebe: •    • NIJE Dovoljno PRESELITI u Irsku   • ŽELITE JOŠ??!!🤩 • 🎙️Uncle Gold Podcast:    / @unclegoldpodcast6256   • 🎬Uncle Gold Podcast CLIPS:   / @unclegoldpodcastclips3291   • 🕹️Uncle Gold Gaming:    / @unclegoldgaming5359  


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