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I don't know if I'm using this build correctly, but the ammo economy is INSANE. It kinda felt like my primary and secondary weren't really doing enough damage, but I was pleasantly surprised to find my grenades held up to their usual standard! • --- • Some things: • God, bosco is such a chad. I heard a rumor from a VERY reputable source that bosco doesn't give up his seat for the elderly when he takes the bus back from the supermarket. My favorite bosco pasttimes are chuckling at how useless he is in digging through dirt without the mining upgrade, enjoying the leisure time in the 8 seconds before he actually fires a rocket versus when you right click, or my personal favorite: when you ping an enemy and he decides nah fam and starts shooting something else instead because he knows that shooting the oppressor's unbreakable armor is optimal and will maximize his ability to protect you. • This is a decent map to observe how magma floors work like bug repellent engineer platforms as bugs attempt to avoid walking on the heat source. This is most noticeable in the tunnel where the uplink was located as the floor was mostly magma and as such bugs were funneled onto the ceiling. This behavior meant I couldn't use this particular floor to attempt fire spread and increase bosco's damage output (and so I was forced elsewhere), and it affected pathing into the uplink. • The fire ticks caused by igniting enemies by kiting across magma floors are actually pretty crucial to clearing out the waves. Without the extra damage from fire, max damage bosco is still too slow to wipe the bugs and you basically can't get above water by clearing waves (insert surfing pun here). You actually don't need to kill all the bugs before starting the bubble holds but not doing so makes the middle of each hold much spicier and more reliant on decent terrain (my first run of this challenge was actually on fungus bogs where I worked out the basic strats. Pre-existing bugs meant my bubbles were spicy; I ended up winning but it cost my iron will and the victory was on the back of much nicer terrain and actually usable resup high ground jumps) • These were some trash hold locations. I misplaced my refuel resup so it ended up being totally useless to jump off of, and the tight ceiling on the uplink meant I couldn't abuse the resup high ground for that one very well either. I made it through but it wasn't pretty. • I've been meaning to discuss why I build my grapple hook this particular way (1113) for a long while now. No one's ever asked, but I guess this run is a good demonstration why I think this is the best setup for it. Yes, I am aware that many extremely good scouts take other variant builds and do just fine. You'll often see the momentum upgrade used in high level play, especially when combo'd with bunnyhop binds or the bunnyhop mod (those last two I personally find too cheaty for my own tastes; nothing against those who use it, but I think it detracts from the skill expression IMO). I also find a lot of modded players take the extended range. I won't say they're wrong and bad, but they're wrong and bad (okay lol, not really. Their choices may suit their own playstyles more, but for how I play it's definitely far worse!). • I don't think this distinction tends to matter in 99% of games, and it certainly doesn't matter in haz5 unless you're doing stupid shit like this run. But for me as a player trying to constantly force myself to get better and push my own envelope, I find the tiniest optimizations in hook charge times to be extremely important in edging out the smallest of consistency improvements when shit hits the fan. I don't care that momentum speeds you up and lets you play faster on average - I'm already totally safe in the average situation because scout is a fake class. I care that the alternative option saves me from a shit scenario in that 1/100 moment where it comes down to the wire and actually matters. In the modded realm I vibe in, we call those one in a million odds just another Tuesday . • Having the fastest hook charge really is important for maximizing air time when you need to hold a position. I think this particular run is a lot more difficult if you have an extra 1.5 seconds between each grapple charge! And while, yes, this is a totally contrived run that isn't real gameplay, I like to think it can shine a light on something that most people won't think twice about - and this fake run exposes something crucial to my victory in the 6x2 IFG salvage from last week. This sort of optimization might not be that impactful for every player (people have vastly different playstyles!), but if you play anywhere close to the style I rock, you really should consider making your hooks faster than Mike Tyson. • --- • Loadout...? • 13221 Hipster • 32111 Fire Bolt • Cryo Nades • Perks: • Dash / Iron Will • Resupplier / Deep Pockets / Born Ready • --- • Highlights: • 0:00 Build • 0:44 Mission start • 9:59 Uplink • 15:17 Refuel • 19:13 Final stats page


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