Aunt T Jackie Piss On The Floor Lyric Video


After Aunt T Jackie’s TIK TOK SOUND “PISS ON THE FLOOR” WENT VIRAL ON TIK TOK, AUNT T JACKIE DECIDED TO DROP A COMEDIC FULL SONG OUT OF IT! It also has a SOCIAL POLITICAL MEANING BEHIND IT DEALING WITH TRANSGENDER WOMEN USING THE RESTROOM THAT ALIGNS WITH THEIR GENDER IDENTITY. Moral of the story is, LET TRANSGENDER PEOPLE PISS IN PEACE BECAUSE THIS IS ALL THEY WANT TO DO...... PEE and go on about their way! Since Auntie was DENIED ACCESS to go into the women’s restroom, she decided to PISS ON THE FLOOR to make a STATEMENT for the Transgender community through COMEDY in hopes of people being able to laugh at how silly the argument is on this issue! Transgender individuals deserve to go to the restroom that they align with and for anyone thinking that straight men could use this as an opportunity to dress up as women to molest or bring harm to children, STOP ✋🏾 IT because this can happen in ANY SITUATION! Most transgender women use the restroom and like anyone else and they leave minding their OWN BUSINESS like we all should! • • STREAM PISS ON THE FLOOR ON SPOTIFY BELOW: • • STREAM ON ITUNES BELOW: •   / piss-on-the-floor-single   • Purchase Your Piss On The Floor merchandise BELOW: • • Follow on IG and #TIKTOK : @SunkeeAngel • #PissOnTheFloor #AuntTJackie


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