Embryo to Fetus Weeks 912 of Pregnancy Parents
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Normal fetal development and growth is the prime focus of this sqadia.com medical video lecture. Firstly, fetal development along with the development of fetal organs and fetal body systems have been explained expansively. Furthermore, homeostasis, behavioral states together with the amniotic fluid and its formation has been deliberated. Additionally, amniocentesis and the estimation of fetal lung maturity has been expounded in-detail. • ------------------------------------------------------------- • Obstetrics Gynaecology Lectures Collection - • https://www.sqadia.com/categories/obs... • ------------------------------------------------------------- • FETAL DEVELOPMENT • This lecture is devoted to the explanation of Normal Fetal Development and Growth. In section one, Characteristic Appearance of foetus is demonstrated in the beginning. Following this, the educator comprehensively sheds light on the development of Fetal Cardiovascular System, Central Nervous System and Respiratory System of foetus. • ------------------------------------------------------------- • Lecture Duration - 01:15:10 • Release Date - October 2018 • Watch complete lecture on sqadia.com - • https://www.sqadia.com/programs/norma... • ------------------------------------------------------------- • DEVELOPMENT OF FETAL ORGANS • In section two, the concept of Development of Fetal Organs is explained. The educator elaborates on this topic by highlighting the development of Kidney, Gastrointestinal Tract, Liver, Pancreas and Gall Bladder in a foetus. • DEVELOPMENT OF FETAL BODY SYSTEMS • Section three is about the Development of Fetal Body Systems. The educator begins by providing an overview of Skin and Homeostasis and Blood and Immune System. After this, a detailed discussion is done on the Hemoglobin, Special Senses and Behavioural States of foetus. • AMNIOTIC FLUID • Section four is regarding the Amniotic Fluid. In this section, the Formation of Amniotic Fluid is pursued in detail along with a discussion of its Volume and Clinical Significance of Amniotic Fluid Volume. The educator then shifts focus towards the explanation of Polyhydramnios and Chronic Hydramnios. • ------------------------------------------------------------- • 1400+ Medical Courses Lectures. • Try for FREE! - https://www.sqadia.com/categories/free • ------------------------------------------------------------- • TESTS ON AMNIOTIC FLUID • The prime focus of section five is the Tests on Amniotic Fluid. The educator speaks in detail regarding the Clinical Value of Tests on Amniotic Fluid. Subsequently, the educator comprehensively addresses the topics of Amniocentesis, Indications for Amniocentesis and Estimation of Fetal Lung Maturity. • ------------------------------------------------------------- • Facebook - / sqadiacom • Instagram - / sqadiacom • LinkedIN - / sqadia-com • Pinterest - / sqadiacom • TumblR - / sqadiacom • Twitter - / sqadiacom • Vimeo - https://vimeo.com/sqadiacom • YouTube - / sqadiacom • -------------------------------------------------------------