Tired of Boring Lectures Try This Easy Student Engagement Hack
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Sick of your lectures feeling like a one-way street? Here's a quick fix: Kick things off by asking your students what they want to know! It’s an easy way to get them involved and excited from the start. • Here are a few more ideas for differentiating a lecture: • • Use PIG grouping - students can brainstorm what they want to know about the lecture topic with a partner (P), individually (I), or in a group (G). • • Provide a few ideas of questions that range from factual to perspective taking and have student modify them • • For “fast finisher” allow them to use AI to generate even more questions and then rank order the ones they are most interested in • • Turn your lecture into a debate where the moderator asks the questions and you and your co-teacher have to answer them by providing facts along with visual supports of key concepts • GRAB 5 more creative strategies to refresh your classroom routine and bring more energy and engagement to your lessons [free download] https://inclusiveschool.s3.amazonaws.... • Want even more ideas? Here are 12 innovative strategies shake up a lecture [free download] https://inclusiveschooling.activehost... • • WHAT TO WATCH NEXT: • What is a common error made during IEP meetings? • What is a common error made during IE... • The Truth About Diversity in Schools • The Truth About Diversity in Schools • Winnie the Pooh and a Social Model of Disability • Winnie the Pooh and a Social Model of... • How Can I Establish Boundaries at Work? • How Can I Establish Boundaries at Work? • Why hiring 1 more paraprofessional isn’t the answer • Video • • SOCIAL HANDLES • TIKTOK PROFILE: / inclusiveschooling • FACEBOOK PAGE: / inclusiveschooling • INSTAGRAM: / inclusiveschooling • LINKEDIN: / inclusive-schooling • PINTEREST: / inclusiveschooling • YOUTUBE: / @inclusiveschooling • ABOUT US • We, Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak and Dr. Julie Causton (Kristie and Julie), have spent the last 25 years traveling on crowded planes, researching in windowless libraries, and presenting in dusty auditoriums and echoey gymnasiums. We have also spent countless hours standing in front of educators in Sheraton Ballrooms…wearing pencil skirts and matching blazers and holding microphones.All because we had dedicated our lives to studying and re-imagining special education, teaching administrators and educators HOW to create inclusive schools, and finding the essential ingredients that make a school inclusive. • The work was amazing, the people were energizing, and the occasional standing ovation made it worth it! However…the travel was exhausting…our reach was limited…and we knew the work could be done differently — with greater impact. We knew there had to be a way to reach more than one school, district, and flight at a time. We now partner with school districts worldwide to deliver transformative and engaging professional development using a unique four-step process, which starts with identifying a school’s inclusive education dreams! • • BOOK LINKS: • The Way to Inclusion: How Leaders Create Schools Where Every Student Belongs • https://www.ascd.org/books/the-way-to... • The Paraprofessional’s Handbook for Effective Support in Inclusive Classrooms, Second Edition https://products.brookespublishing.co... • From Behaving to Belonging: The Inclusive Art of Supporting Students Who Challenge Us • https://www.ascd.org/books/from-behav... • Assessing Young Children in Inclusive Settings • https://products.brookespublishing.co... • 30 Days to the Co-Taught Classroom • https://www.amazon.com/Days-Co-taught... • #inclusion #InclusionWorks #CreateChange #inclusion #community #SocialChange #InclusionMatters #DisabilityInclusion #DiversityAndInclusion #InclusiveSociety #ComeOneComeAll #InclusiveEducation #inclusiveness #inclusive #InclusiveEducationServices #InclusiveEducationPolicy #EducationIsPower #resources #TheCircleMakers