The Battle of Sahagun was fought on December 21, 1808 during the Peninsular War. • (There is a small blip in the audio at about 1:22, sorry, but please remember that this is a transfer from an old vinyl LP) • As in quarters we lay, which you quickly shall hear. • Lord Paget came to us, and bid us prepare. • Come saddle your horses, for we must ride soon, • For the French are now lying in the town of Sahagun. • So we saddled our horses and away we did go, • Over rivers of ice and o'er mountains of snow. • To the town of Sahagun our course we did steer • For the 15th Hussars, my brave boys, never fear. • They formed themselves up and the play it began, • Thinking to dismay we brave Englishmen • But with glittering broadswords upon them we flew • They went threes about and away they did go. • 'Mid the snow in the vineyards many Frenchmen lay dead • 300 were taken, the rest of them fled • Their general likewise we took to the field • 'Twas the 15th Hussars made the Frenchmen to yield. • Lord Paget came to us, and this he did say, • I thank you, 15th, for your valour this day, • Now dismount from your horses and feed everyone, • Then we'll be ready to fight them again.