Hi ! • First, a big thanks to vegansound who help me on this game to find these tricks. • Thanks to all the trueachievements community who helps for getting achievements. I am glad to have the opportunity to give back what people gave me in guides and sessions. • Sorry for the bad english in the video, in this description or in the guide... • On the multiplayer of this game, you can get all achievements with only 2 players, except : • Predator (5G) Kill 10 different opponents in a Deathmatch. This is a difficult achievement because you have to create a 11 players session and the game begin to be desert. Create one on • Gunsmith (40G) : Unlock all automatic upgrades for all weapons. This achievement is unlockable... • The tricks we propose here are based on killing and respawning system. • First, define a killer and a respawner. Then, find a place where respawner can be killed as soon as he respawns, always on the same place. For that, the killer must be far enough and consequently, use a weapon adapted for this exercice (the sniper is best). Look at the video for an example. • Make sure that you are alone in the game and that no player join your session, because the respawner will respawn in an other place, and the intruder can steal your statues… • Find the place where it works for you because the game is pretty glitched, so the tricks shown in this video may not work on your console. When we did it, his trick never worked for us both on the same place in the 2 maps shown : If if it worked on the first map for the player A as a killer, it fails on the same map, on the same place, for the player B as a killer…). We have found an other place where it works for player B as a killer but not for the player A. So look at we did, but search your own place it work for you ! • • When you find your place, you can boost all achievements : • Rescuer (5G) : Collected 50 silver statues in Treasure Hunt mode. After a session of kill-respawn, the respawner take the big pile of silver statues • Illusionist (20G) : Earned 200 blessings in Treasure Hunt mode. For having a blessing, you have to exchange 2 gold statues for a bless. After a session of kill-respawn, you can grab the statues and go to exchange them to a big grey statue. Be careful, because each kill make earn 100 pts and each statue 500 pts, so you can win the game automaticly if you have too many points. In team treasure hunt, you win at 20 000 pts, so you can’t make more than 32 kills a game, so you can have 16 blessings a game. • Raider (10G) : Collected 100 gold statues in Treasure Hunt mode. You will have this achievement doing the precedent, because “Illusionist” need 400 gold statues, so you will get it on the way • Warrior (20G) : Achieved all killing spree rewards in a single match. You will have this achievement in a kill-respawn session : at the bottom of your screen, you have a kill completion. Make 11 kills and you will complete it and the achievement is yours. • There can be only one (20) : Win 10 times in Last Man Standing mode. If you play with only 2 players, the player A commit suicide with a grenade during the 5 sleeves for the player B win 1 time. Repeat 10 times and player B will get his achievement. • Use the kill-respawn trick for boost XP. 3 achievements need XP to be unlock : • Commando (30G) : Unlock all weapons in multiplayer mode • Changeling (30G) : Unlock all characters in multiplayer mode • Veteran (40G) : Achieve highest multiplayer rank • The best way for boosting XP I know is the kill-respawn trick, in a treasure hunt in team match, with 2 players. A game lasts 10 minutes, the killer should shoot the respawner during all this time and grab all the statues at the very end. You can hope at least 100-120 kills a game, that brings between 15 000 and 18 000 XP. Repeat and you will get the achievements Commando and Changeling, and endly reach the last rank, the rank 35 (307 500 XP) • All the others achievements are easy to get with 2 players and don’t need any guide…! You will get some of them during your run to these achievements, or just make them quickly ! • Don’t hesitate to comment this video with your tricks and share them to the community ! Sorry for the very bad English, you can correct me for better understanding ! • All achievements and guides on true Achievements : • Thanks