Olivier Messiaen Vingt Regards sur lEnfantJésus 1944

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Composer: Olivier Eugène Charles Prosper Messiaen (December 10, 1908 – April 27, 1992) • Pianist: Yvo​nne Lor​iod-Messiaen • 0:00:00 I - Regard du Père [grand, mysterious, yet lovingly sweet; theme of God] • 0:05:29 II - Regard de l'étoile [harsh and bare; theme of the star and the cross] • 0:08:28 III - L'échange [mysterious and unsettling, gradually growing in intensity and terror] • 0:12:06 IV - Regard de la Vierge [tender and naive, innocent and pure] • 0:17:06 V - Regard du Fils sur le Fils [luminous high chords in rhythmic canon over the sweet and solemn theme of God] • 0:22:50 VI - Par Lui tout a été fait [my favorite regard ; a powerfully epic fugue; (27:28)(29:08)(29:23) tremendous climax on the themes of God, Love, and chords] • 0:33:24 VII - Regard de la Croix [piercingly expressive and painful chords over a haunting bass theme] • 0:37:26 VIII - Regard des hauteurs [light and fanciful; the song of the lark stars] • 0:39:57 IX - Regard du temps [meditative but oppressively harsh, as the passage of time] • 0:43:06 X - Regard de l'Esprit de joie [an explosively joyous dance (45:11) after a violent introduction; (47:20)(50:43) ecstatically sweet climaxes] • 0:51:53 XI - Première communion de la Vierge [extremely gentle and calm; (54:53) celebratory and excited, recalling the previous regard] • 0:59:24 XII - La parole toute puissante [a hugely powerful bass theme] • 1:02:26 XIII - Noël [a joyous clangor of bells interchanging with a gentler, tender theme] • 1:06:38 XIV - Regard des Anges [the stupefying power of the angels, their trombones, their percussion] • 1:11:35 XV - Le baiser de l'Enfant-Jésus [gorgeously tender and loving, a lullaby on theme of God; (1:17:34) impressionistic arpeggios paint the garden ; (1:19:33) the stunningly sweet and passionate climax] • 1:22:00 XVI - Regard des prophètes, des bergers et des Mages [a huge concert of tam-tams and oboes; a building sense of anticipation (dread?)] • 1:24:55 XVII - Regard du silence [luminous chords, at once peaceful and unnerving] • 1:30:12 XVIII - Regard de l'Onction terrible [contrasting accelerating and slowing rhythms form around the awesome power of the center] • 1:37:07 XIX - Je dors, mais mon cœur veille [supple and suave, sublimely peaceful; theme of love] • 1:47:08 XX - Regard de l'Église d'amour [grand and powerful, but ever loving and joyous! (1:53:37)(1:57:00)] • Score available from Durand-Salabert-Eschig • How I make my videos: https://github.com/CMajSeven/Workflow... • Program I develop for this channel: https://github.com/edwardx999/ScorePr...


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