Instrument Landing System ILS Explained


I am an Aircraft Engineer with more than 35 years of experience with various airlines. This video is made to explain the Instrument Landing System basics. • The ILS provides the aircraft with a recommended path it should follow so that it maintains its horizontal position at the center of the runway and the vertical position most appropriate for a smooth landing. Thus, an ILS consists of two independent subsystems. The first, which provides lateral guidance, restricting the aircraft approaching a runway to shift laterally from the recommended path, is called the localizer. The second, which gives vertical guidance, and hence restricts vertical deviation of the aircraft from the recommended path of descent, is called the glide slope • • Localizer (LOC) and glide slope (G/S) carrier frequencies are paired so that the navigation radio automatically tunes the G/S frequency which corresponds to the selected LOC frequency. The LOC signal is in the 110 MHz range while the G/S signal is in the 330 MHz range. • LOC carrier frequencies range between 108.10 MHz and 111.95 MHz. • •  ILS includes three VHF marker beacon transmitters along the final approach course centerline. The outer marker (OM) is usually located 4-7 NM from the runway threshold. The middle marker (MM) is usually located approx 3,500 feet from the runway threshold and the inner marker (IM) is located at approx.1000 feet. When the aircraft crosses the outer marker a flashing blue light will annunciate on the panel. When the aircraft crosses the middle marker, a flashing amber light will annunciate.When the aircraft crosses the inner marker, a flashing white light will annunciate. An aircraft on the glide slope over the middle marker should be roughly 200 feet above the touchdown zone elevation. With the introduction of ILS, flight delays and cancellations are considerably reduced. • #ILSandCalicutAircrash • #HowPilotsLandinPoorVisibility • #InstrumentLandingSystem


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