The Most HONEST MIT Manipal Review By A Student


Welcome! I'm Saranya Ghosh, a 2nd year student(at the time of recording this) at MIT Manipal and in this video I'll be giving an honest review about my college(as honest as I can, promise, I still want my degree :p ). • I'll be breaking it down into four sections with the timestamps. • 1. Rumours(You know about them) • 2. Academics(Tough Cookie) • 3. Finances(Moneypal) • 4. Hostels(Adulting) • It's really obvious but I'd like everyone to know that this is my personal opinion, this college can provide a completely different experience for you. But one thing stays the same, it is still an excellent place to come to and live in. I've been having the best time of my life and would love for you to have the same! • Tags: • #mit #mitmanipal #manipal #mahe #manipaljaipur #muj #mahemanipal #manipaluniversity • #engineering #swe #coding #programming #private #privatecollege #privateuniversity #honestreview #honest #review #college #collegereview #manipalreview #mitreview #mitmanipalreview #computerscienceengineering #cse #it #aiml #datascience #iit #nit #bits #nirf • #aman dhattarwal #apnikaksha #apnacollege #kiratalreja #aayushkrishnan #package #met #metcutoff #metcutoff2023 #manipalreview20203 #manipalcampustour #mitcampus #mitmanipalcampus • Tag me on your instagram handle: ‪@saranyaghosh2003‬ • • If you're still watching this, comment MIT for the winnnnn


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