Rendezvous with Simi Garewal and Ratan Tata 1997
Ratan Tata was my first friend in Mumbai. • We had both just returned from abroad into terra incognita; both at the threshold of an unchartered world that lay ahead. • Decades of triumphs later, Ratan's intrinsic personality hadn't changed: a man with a commanding presence yet a disarming diffidence. Still shy, still reticent, but ever articulate and gracious. • At work he is a corporate visionary; away from the office - a recluse. • In a distracted era of moral ambiguities, Ratan's integrity and values have never wavered -- and I admire that the most in him • For a man who stays clear from the flashbulb glare of fame, it was generous of Ratan to be my very first guest in 'Rendezvous with Simi Garewal'. • Few had seen Ratan at the time and I remember he won loads of admirers! • My crew was floored by his lack of pretense. • I remember he shook hands with each of them before leaving - in his Maruti!! •