Breaking Down Niklas Luhmanns Social Systems Theory
Hey everyone! In this final lesson of our functionalist sociology series, Simon is diving into Niklas Luhmann's groundbreaking social systems theory. Get ready to uncover how modern society operates through a network of communicating subsystems, each with its distinct perspective and operations. • Stick around till the end to test your knowledge with our quick quiz. • 📌 Contents: • 00:00 - Intro • 00:30 - What is Luhmann's Systems Theory • 01:56 - Luhmann's Autopoietic Systems (Social Autopoiesis) • 03:01 - How social systems communicate interact • 04:40 - Criticisms of Luhmann's Systems Theory • 05:18 - Outro • 06:16 - Quiz • 📚 Keep the excitement going as we transition into a new series where Lily will guide you through the Marxist and critical theory paradigms in sociology. Share your thoughts in the comments and join the conversation with fellow sociology buffs. • 🔎 Here are the answers to the quiz - see if you nailed it: • 1. C • 2. C • 3. C • 🔔 Slide into the sociology groove—tap subscribe!