Arles Eglise StTrophime


travel videos photos at: with text, maps links. • The former cathedral of Arles, called Eglise St-Trophime, has a fantastic series of Byzantine sculptures around the door on the façade that have been recently restored to their pristine beauty. The interior is also from the Byzantine, older than the Gothic. It's quite a church, and another UNESCO World Heritage site. We also bring you to the Cloister of St-Trophime, tucked away around the corner. This cloister is like an open-air museum with architecture and sculpture spanning a 300-year period: gothic pointed arches on one side, and older, Romanesque barrel-vaulting on the other side. • The open court in the center is surrounded by beautiful columns, each with different, detailed stone carvings on their capitals, and corner columns especially noted for their realistic, gothic statues representing various saints. It's a calm and peaceful place. Cloisters are always rewarding to visit. There is a meditative and prayerful atmosphere in a cloister like this, worth visiting any time you see a cloister with the columns in the arcades surrounding an open square. You know that this had been at one time residence of the clergy, perhaps nuns and priests associated with the church were living upstairs. It is rare to find a cloister, such as this one that is so intricately decorated -- the top of each column is carved and some of the columns are really impressive works of art in themselves. Each of the smaller columns have elaborate capitals. Some of the arches are rounded and others are pointed, reflecting the different time periods, and in fact this cloister is generally considered to be the most important cloister in all of Provence. It's so easy to overlook because it has an unmarked doorway. You would not even know it's here unless you studied up a little bit in guidebooks or are watching this video, or heard about it somehow. It's the corner columns that are really the most spectacular of all in the cloister. There is a statue of St. Paul, that's one of the really important art masterpieces in here, and there are some detailed corner statues with relief scenes, and there are some other scenes of daily life carved into the galleries of the cloisters.


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