Which is the best time to get pregnant after periods Dr Thejaswini

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Differences between implantation bleeding vs Period? How can you tell and know the difference between implantation bleeding and periods? • 👉🏻💌 UPDATED: Your Questions Answered❗ ➡️ https://fertilityfaqs.com/implantatio... • #implantation #implantationbleeding #implantationbleedingvsperiod • It can be confusing to know the difference between implantation bleeding vs periods. In this video, we will break down the key difference between implantation and periods to help you identify and differentiate between the two. • What is implantation Bleeding and Why does it occur? • Implantation Bleeding is experienced by 1/3rd of women around 33% of women may experience it. When the egg meets the sperm achieves fertilization and forms the embryo. Implantation bleeding is when the embryo attaches to the uterine wall and causes disruption of small blood vessels in response to which spotting or mild bleeding can be noticed which is called implantation spotting or implantation bleeding. • When Does Implantation Bleeding Occur? Timing? • Implantation bleeding occurs about Day 6 - Day 12 post Ovulation which is when the process of embryo implantation begins. Based on this information, if you are charting your cycles you can identify whether what you are experiencing is implantation bleeding or not. Generally, if you notice bleeding very close to the date of your expected periods it is likely it may not be implantation bleeding, and it is better to just wait to see if it progresses into full periods or not. • How does it look color? • Implantation bleeding or spotting is usually light pinkish or dark brownish red in terms of color. Whereas period blood tends to be bright red or vibrant in color. • Key Differences Between Implantation Bleeding and Period • Color • If pinkish or brownish-red in color can be implantation bleeding if bright red in color is likely to be your periods. • Timing of Occurrence • Meaning when did you experience the spotting. If within Day 6 -Day 12 post-ovulation likely to be implantation bleeding. If very close to or exceeding these cycle dates can be your periods. • Duration of Bleeding • If the spotting is sporadic in nature lasting for several hours to days. And the flow is not continuous or progressive it is likely to be implantation bleeding. If the spotting is continuous and the flow of spotting is heavy it is most probably periods • Cramping • Cramping is another symptom that can be experienced around implantation by some women. If the cramps are very intense it is likely to be due to periods as during implantation the cramps experienced are mild in nature. • How soon can you test for pregnancy? • 3 - 5 days after experiencing implantation bleeding/spotting you can opt for a urine pregnancy test to know if what you experienced was in fact implantation bleeding. • ❓❓❓Commonly Asked Questions ANSWERED❗ • Q. Can you take a pregnancy test if you have implantation bleeding? • You can it is preferred to wait for 3-5 days after you notice spotting or until you miss your expected periods date. • Q. Can implantation bleeding fill a pad? • Generally, implantation spotting is light pink to brown shade in color. Upon wiping it is enough to get on a pantyliner. It usually is intermittent and has a light flow, which doesn’t soak the pad. • Q. Does anyone have heavy implantation bleeding? • Implantation bleeding is usually very light and lasts several hours to a couple of days with minimal volume a few drops. Whereas periods volume tends to be on average 40 mL in each period. • Q. Can you pass tiny clots with implantation bleeding? • Clots are not associated with implantation bleeding, it is typically observed in periods. • MUSIC: Joyful by Mixaund (mixaund.bandcamp.com)


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