Crow Takes A Ride On The Back Of A Bald Eagle
Cheeky crow takes a rest on the back of a bald eagle – who doesn’t even flinch and just keeps flying. It's not just birds of a feather that flock together. • The much larger bird of prey was hunting for a snack in the skies over Seabeck, Washington (west coast of the United States). The encounter lasted just a few seconds before the birds parted and went their separate ways. • The chance meeting was captured by amateur photographer Phoo Chan. I was photographing a bald eagle flying around hunting for an early meal when suddenly the crow approached the eagle from behind, Chan said. • At first I thought the crow was going to chase away the eagle. I have seen crows harassing a hawk by swooping back and forth in order to drive it away from their territory. I was completely awed to see the crow actually land on the back of the flying eagle. Read more: • -------------------- • Factoids: Bald Eagles grow almost three feet tall with a wingspan close to seven feet. Females are usually slightly larger than males. Eagles can fly about 65 miles per hour in regular flight, and up to 200 miles per hour in a dive. They can also swim when they need to. Bald Eagles breed when they are five years old. When a male and female get together, they perform a courtship display which includes diving and locking talons in the air. • Bald eagles mate for life, staying together unless one of them dies. They make huge nests, up to nine feet across, and weighing about two tons. They often chase other raptors (bird predators), especially Osprey, until they drop their kills. When the other bird drops its prey, the eagle immediately stops chasing and grabs the food. Some birds that eagles compete for food with include osprey, gulls, ravens, and hawks. They keep an eye out for crowds of crows, gulls, or vultures. They then swoop in and steal carrion (dead animal). • Although they don't usually attack humans, Bald Eagles are capable of killing a human by using their razor sharp talons that could break our arms and tear our flesh if you go too close to their nest. • NOTE: A few fotos mostly toward the end of the narration were not taken by Chan. I wanted to illustration other encounters between Bald Eagles and Crows and the difference in size between these two magnificent birds. The music is by Jim Jenkins Because I Love You So. • Thank you for watching! ❤ Ambriel