Afhayenka AMISOM 00 Diifaacay Dhaqan Xumada Askartiisa ampWariye Abdihafid oo Karbaashay Sensitive
The Power These Men Have Over Us • Human Rights Watch, and other organizations have documented high levels of sexual and gender-based violence against Somali women and girls, particularly the displaced. But the involvement of AMISOM soldiers has largely been overlooked, including by the mission’s leadership and international donors. As this report shows, some AMISOM soldiers, deployed to Somalia since 2007 to help restore stability in the war-torn capital, Mogadishu, have abused their positions of power to prey on the city’s most vulnerable women and girls. Soldiers have committed acts of rape and other forms of sexual abuse, as well as sexual exploitation—the abuse of a position of vulnerability, differential power, or trust, for sexual purposes. • This report is based on research in Somalia, Uganda, and Burundi. Its findings are based on 50 interviews including 21 interviews with survivors of sexual exploitation and abuse as well as interviews with witnesses, foreign observers including officials from troop-contributing countries, and other military personnel. The research documents incidents of sexual exploitation and abuse in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, predominantly by personnel of the Ugandan People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) at and around AMISOM’s headquarters, the AMISOM base camp, and at the camp of the Burundian National Defense Forces (BNDF) contingent in Mogadishu. All of the incidents documented in this report occurred since 2013...... • click here to read full report • • .................................................. • Join Us on Facebook @ / abdiaskaritube • Follow us on twitter @ / abdiaskaritube • Email: [email protected] • ………………………………………………… • Subscribe to our channels to keep up to date with • All the latest news and updates, • Our Larger Channel … / joorre123 • Our new Channel …. / abdiaska. .