How to control valve calibration and maintenance


CONTROL VALVE POSITIONER WORKING PRINCIPLE • #controlvalve #controlvalvecalibration #controlvalveparts • A valve Positioner is a device used to increase or decrease the air load pressure driving the actuator until the valve’s stem reaches a “POSITION” balanced to the output SIGNAL from the process variable instrument controller. • Valve positioners are used on controlling valves where accurate and rapid control is required without error or hysterises. • Positioners are generally mounted on the side-yoke or top casing of the pneumatic actuator for linear sliding stem control valves, and at/near the end-of-shaft for rotary control vales. For either basic design type, “mechanical feedback linkage” connected directly to the valve’s stem provides feedback to controller. The process controller tells the positioner to “change” position; the feedback linkage reports back to the positioner confirming that a change has occurred and gives a “sense” of the magnitude of the change in position.


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