VULNERABLE PEOPLE Stop Being Taken Advantage Of
Licensed Therapist Kati Morton discusses how and why someone who is vulnerable can be taken advantage of. Through her life experiences, she often finds that kindness can can be mistaken for naïveté and this is seen as a sign of weakness by others who then exploit and use that kindness to their advantage. Friends, co-workers, family members, it can happen with anyone and today I am exploring my own situations in life to better understand why this pattern of being taken advantage of happens frequently and how I might change my personal way of being in order to better protect myself from being taken advantage of - there are a lot of selfish people in this world or people who will use you or scam you if you don't stop it. Hopefully this video helps you create boundaries or end friendships that are one sided or not benefitting you any longer. • Anyway, enough of me talking, let's talk about being taken advantage of, friends, family members or people who take advantage of or use you (for your kindness, your money, emotionally, as a therapist, etc.), and what you can do to stand up for yourself from being taken advantage of. • More videos you may like: • Why am I afraid to be happy? • why am I afraid to be happy? kati unf... • People who get taken advantage of: why do they? • Jordan Peterson: People who get taken... • More Kati Unfiltered: • I need a break... • PUBLISHED BOOKS • Traumatized • Are u ok? • The best way to support this channel is to check out my sponsors and buy using these links: • Amazon: • Instacart: • ONLINE THERAPY • While I do not currently offer online therapy, BetterHelp can connect you with a licensed, online therapist: (enjoy 10% off your first month) • SOCIAL • X: / katimorton • TikTok: / katimorton • Facebook: / katimorton1 • Instagram: / katimorton • Pinterest: / katimorton1 • Support on Patreon: • PARTNERSHIPS • Linnea Toney [email protected]