Rakta Cernos Build 2021 Guide Visiting An Old Friend Warframe Gameplay
Rakta Cernos Build 2021 (Guide) - Visiting An Old Friend (Warframe Gameplay) • I've always loved the traditional style bow experience. It feels satisfying and can be very rewarding even if the current meta priorities spamming one button instead of the carefully aimed head shot! To that end today we'll revisit an old favorite of mine and the community, the Rakta Cernos! • The Rakta Cernos has one major advantage over other bows regardless of the Build you chose. It's a syndicate weapon for the Red Veil which benefits from the Blight effect. That can be huge considering it has a guaranteed Viral proc on all targets within twenty five meters. This coupled with the high Riven disposition and great base critical stats make the Rakta Cernos a great contender for one shot take downs. • But it's not all amazing with this bow. The low status chance mixed with the very high amount of base impact damage can make it difficult the get right viral and slash procs consistently. Even with the help of Hunter Mumu. • That said, the weapon is still a subjective joy to use and the advantage of the syndicate effect cannot be ignored. While the Rakta Cernos is not a weapon which is advantage by the current meta we do know that changes and new mods are on the way and hopefully this one great weapon can return to some prominence. Even with all that I'm still going to recommend you Consider the Rakta Cernos. • Warframe is a free-to-play action role-playing third-person shooter multiplayer online game developed and published by Digital Extremes. Released for Windows personal computers in March 2013, it was ported to the PlayStation 4 in November 2013, the Xbox One in September 2014, the Nintendo Switch in November 2018 and the PlayStation 5 in November 2020. It's also planned to be ported to Xbox Series X/S. • LeyzarGamingViews : • YouTube Membership: / @leyzargamingviews • Patreon: / leyzargamingviews • Discord Community : / discord • Donation: https://streamlabs.com/leyzargamingvi... • Twitch Page: / leyzargamingviews • Facebook: / leyzargaming • Twitter: / leyzargaming • #RaktaCernos #Build #Warframe