Skyrim Everybody Loves Cicero
** UPDATE - FAQ ** • Q: How do I find this quest? • A: • Q: What song plays during the finale? • A: The answer and more can be found in the credits. • Q: Did you use mods? • A: No, this was recorded from a playthrough on Xbox 360. • I just turned off the HUD for certain parts of the game and added titles during post. • Q: Who voices Cicero? • A: Google is your friend. • Q: Cicero is totally the Adoring Fan. • I know, because I'm smart and can put two and blue together. • A: No, he's not. Do your research. • Q: but eye luv cicirow?!? ;( how come killm, • he bes hauwscarrol n u cnt unstan em u jus meen biggit ¿ø_Ø? • A: First off, he becomes a follower, not a housecarl, those are only for when you become thane of a major hold and you get a personal wallflowers to carry your shit out of obligation (i.e. Lydia). Cicero is interesting, I know. There would be no point into putting so much effort into this video if he wasn't. Think of this as my homage to him. Do I really hate his character? No, but there are times when he drives me up the wall. I'm sure most Skyrim players can agree that he attained a powerful reaction from the community, whether it be positive or negative. • -------------------------------- • So I finally finished and properly rendered my latest project. • This is a mix of Let's Play and VGMV, with a twist of comedy. • This sums up how I truly felt about Cicero, from the Skyrim Dark Brotherhood questline but after working on this video and seeing others about him, I think I've become obsessed. I will be testing him out as a follower at a later date. Sweet Night Mother loves poor Cicero... • Oh, and in case you want to just watch the Cicero killing finale again... 18:08 • Also, check out my playlist of great Cicero videos. • • Tags: • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Let's Play Cicero Funny Fus Roh Da Dark Brotherhood Adoring Fan Everybody Loves Cicero The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Let's Play Cicero Funny Fus Roh Da Dark Brotherhood Adoring Fan Everybody Loves Cicero The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Let's Play Cicero Funny Fus Roh Da Dark Brotherhood Adoring Fan Everybody Loves Cicero The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Let's Play Cicero Funny Fus Roh Da Dark Brotherhood Adoring Fan Everybody Loves Cicero The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Let's Play Cicero Funny Fus Roh Da Dark Brotherhood Adoring Fan Everybody Loves Cicero The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Let's Play Cicero Funny Fus Roh Da Dark Brotherhood Adoring Fan Everybody Loves Cicero