How to do Nordic Hamstring Curls Without a Partner amp With Bands


In this video, Dr. Michael Risher demonstrates how to perform Nordic Hamstring Curls (NHCs) without a partner, so you can do this incredibly beneficial hamstring exercise by yourself. • Read below for more info on benefits, studies that prove these benefits and how to program NHCs into your training regimen. • You will learn how to set up for the Nordic Ham Curl, the proper mechanics/form for this killer posterior chain exercise, and how resistance bands can be used to make NHCs easier for beginners, then progress up in difficulty. • The Complete Guide to Nordic Ham Curls: • Note: Resistance bands are great for Nordic Hamstring Curls as you can slowly progress by using lighter and lighter resistance bands. Here, Dr. Michael Risher uses a gray band, which is the largest size and provides the most assistance. If you have a set of bands, which we will link to just below, you can progress to lighter bands (sizing down), until you are doing Nordic Ham Curls with just your bodyweight. Then from there, you can continue progressing by doing them with weighted plates! • SET FOR SET BANDS: • BENEFITS OF NORDIC HAM CURLS: • Strength • Hypertrophy • Explosiveness • Injury Prevention** • Nordic Hamstring Curls are one of the most popular exercises for athletes because they are great for increasing injury resilience. Hamstring strains/pulls are one of the most common sports injuries. This is where Nordic Hamstring Curls really shine in an athlete's training program. • Study on Nordic Hamstring Curls Injury Prevention: • Programmes that include the NHE reduce hamstring injuries by up to 51%. The NHE essentially halves the rate of hamstring injuries across multiple sports in different athletes. • Moreover, for sprinters and explosive athletes, NHCs are fantastic for improving acceleration and deceleration. When you sprint, your hamstring fire eccentrically, and the Nordic Ham Curl is an eccentric contraction exercise. Therefore, it will directly translate to a more explosive sprint...and it will help give you better brakes (the hamstrings act as your breaks when you run). • Study on Nordic Hamstring Curls Sports Performance: • In the study, two hamstring strength training programmes were compared. One programme included traditional hamstring curls (concentric training) whereas the other (Nordic hamstrings) was a partner exercise focusing on the eccentric phase. The study showed that it is possible to significantly increase the eccentric torque in well trained soccer players during a 10 week training programme focusing on eccentric strength training. No significant change in strength was seen in the group focusing on concentric training. • Now, how to add these into your current program? • We recommend adding the Nordic Hamstring Curl into your current lower body routine. Do 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps. Remember, you want to move very slowly as you lower down (eccentric phase of the exercise). Aim for a 4-to-1-second ratio. 1 second being the concentric phase (coming back up). • These are also great as a warm up before any physical activity, as they will prime your hamstrings, which helps reduce the chance of injury. If you are doing them as a warm up, do 3 sets of 8. • RESISTANCE BANDS:


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