Digimon FireRed Episode 7 Mimi Tachikawa amp Her Powerfull Togemon

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=pLxQdvaEKz4

So happy to see Mimi in this game!!! :D • Make Sure To Hit That Sexy Like Button If You Enjoyed! :) • â—Ź Subscribe here: â–şâ–şâ–ş http://bit.ly/ShadowShak_ â—„â—„â—„ • Playlist Of Digimon FireRed : • http://bit.ly/2pTn9tJ • About The Game : • In a peaceful world where digimon are owned and raised as pets, a disturbance begins to shake the world. You, a teenager from Modem town, are sent on a mission along with your rival Matt to scout the nearest city for any information on this disturbance. Gennai, the town elder, sends you on this mission and allows you to choose your very own digimon for the dangerous journey. • You are also given a digivice, an artifact from the ancient times that once aided your ancestors. The digivice is old and incomplete, so it is your job to refill it with the data it has lost by capturing all the digimon in the world. • You find that strange things are occurring in your world: some digimon are turning evil, others are digivolving beyond normal levels. It was once rare for digimon to reach ultimate level, but now many have become Mega levelled. • You report to Gennai and he tells you of a legend from the ancient times, before the digital world and the real world were one. The dark forces that once fought to destroy the worlds will return, and only the descendants of the fabled digidestined would have the power to vanquish the revived dark masters. • You and your rival are to travel the world to strengthen your digimon and earn the crests of the digidestined. Only with the power of the crests will you be able to restore peace. They will strengthen your digimon and unlock their power to digivolve. • You will quickly encounter an evil digimon named demidevimon. He despises all tamers and wants to rule over the digimon and humans, making slaves of both. Demidevimon will return again, then digivolve to Devimon. Once you beat Devimon he will return at a later point with a tamer. Although it appears he is obedient to the tamer, the opposite is the truth. Devimon has gained control of this tamer and is using him to capture digimon and twist them with his evil ways. • Along your journey you will find various ways to digivolve your digimon, including the long lost art of armor digivolution, and the rare DNA digivolution. Using such things may take your digimon down a longer and more powerful path than it would achieve naturally, thus is the power of the tamer. • There will be various items available for you to use in your quest. These items are called digicards, or just cards for short. One such card is a TC, or temporary card. It allows a digimon to learn a move. TCs are destroyed after a single use. Other cards exist that teach any number of digimon moves. These are called PCs or permanent cards. DMCs, or digi modify cards are cards that can be given to digimon in order to boost stats, heal status problems, or to obtain certain abilities. Some can be found on card trees, but these vanish after use. General cards are also a one time use, but are very common and cheap. General cards can be used for various things like restoring HP, MP, or boosting stats. Key Cards can be used for much more varied things, like opening doors or activating certain digivice functions such as finding tamers willing to battle, finding hidden items, or playing various melodies. • As the descendants of the ancient digidestined it is your duty to save the world, or take control of it. What destiny you choose and what digimon will get you there are all up to you. • Download it Here : • https://www.pokecommunity.com/showthr... • Stay connected! • ♢Follow me on Twitter:   / shadowshak_   • ♢Follow me on Instagram:   / shadowshakz   • ♢Follow me on Twitch:   / shadowshak   • ---------------------- • Thanks For Watching! :D


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