Scattershot VS All max troops Clash Of Clans
Scattershot VS All max troops | Clash Of Clans • • The Scattershot heaves very heavy bundles of poorly tied together rocks at whoever happens to be closest. The bundles break apart on impact and deal additional damage to the troops behind. • Summary • The Scattershot is a splash-damage defense that has very high damage per second. It is unlocked when you upgrade your Town Hall to level 13. • The Scattershot must be loaded to work. Like with other defenses that need reloading, loading is free and automatically occurs when the user logs into the game. If the Scattershot fires too many shots without being reloaded, it will run out of ammo and stop working. • It takes 4 minutes and 33 seconds for one Scattershot to unload all of its ammunition. • Unlike the usual ring of explosion from other splash defenses, the Scattershot's attacks have a cone-shaped area of effect. Troops that are behind the initial target in a 90 cone shape will take splash-damage and troops next to or in front of the target will be unharmed. There are two separate falloff hit boxes: one that affects units within 1 tile of the initial target, and another hitbox that affects units 1-5 tiles away. • The farther the other troops are from the initial target, the less damage they will take, and vice versa. • The Scattershot can target both ground and air troops but can only damage either ground or air with each shot (not both). For example, if a Scattershot targets the Archer Queen with her Healers performing a Queen Walk, only the Archer Queen will be damaged, and vice versa. • #clashofclans #scattershot #clashofclans #clashing