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Medical Coding for Hernia Repair https://www.cco.us/ • Laureen: Q: (Hernia Repair) My surgeon did an open parastomal hernia repair with mesh with ileostomy stomal revision. I see the code 44346 for “revision of colostomy with repair of paracolostomy hernia.” Can I bill 44312 with the above hernia codes for this? HELP! Thank you, Nichole. • Laureen: OK, here’s my little research sheet I worked up. What we’d like to do with these answer sheets is restate the question again that was on the slide and then in purple give the answer. We really try and give you our thought process on how we went into the research and any websites we’ve found and the codes and pretty much all the details that you need. And we want to teach you how to fish, not so much as to just give you the answer. So, I’ll try and reproduce how I came up with this and hopefully that will help you in research that you’ll do on your own. • A: First of all, I wanted to get my head wrapped around what a parastomal hernia was. I had an idea, “para” I know means “around,” “stoma” is, like, if you think of colostomy, that hole is the stoma; or tracheostomy, that hole is called the “stoma.” So, I knew that they were doing something, that artificial opening. And that hernia some sort of protrusion that shouldn’t be there. • From this website uptodate.com, I found this definition: Parastomal hernia is the most frequent complication following the construction of a colostomy or an ileostomy occurring in up to 50 percent of patients. A parastomal hernia is a type of incisional hernia that allows protrusion of abdominal contents through the abdominal wall defect created during ostomy formation. It should be recognized that, unlike a hernia development in a surgical incision for which the fundamental problem is healing between tissues that have been approximated, ostomy creation introduces an abdominal wall defect, the trephine, for which no healing is expected. A parastomal hernia forms as the trephine is continually stretched by the forces tangential to its circumference. That’s the official definition. • Just restating the procedures that Nichole put, the first thing I saw was an open parastomal hernia repair with mesh, and I agree with her that it’s the 49560. I copied and pasted this from my encoder that I love, Find-A-Code, and it says: repair of initial incisional or ventral hernia, reducible and with the add-on mesh code, 49568. By the way, this add-on mesh code, there’s tons of hernia repair codes, only the incisional or ventral hernia codes are allowed to have this add-on code. If you use mesh for any of the others, its bundled in. • So, this one, she’s correct for these two codes. I’m with her on this so far. • Get more medical coding training, medical coding tips, medical coding certification and free medical coding webinars at https://www.cco.us/