Reading Passage The Dover BronzeAge Boat
https://greatnations-english-ielts-te... • Other Reading Passages: • Dawn of Robots: • Reading Passage - Dawn of Robots • The Hollywood film industry: • Matching Headings - The Hollywood Fil... • A radically different approach to do the Reading Passages in the IELTS Test. Students often find it difficult to keep a lot of content in their mind when they are trying to find an answer. Most of the methods on the net ask the students to do skimming and scanning which most students cannot make a head or tail of. There are about 13-14 questions on each passage. A student struggles to run his eyes over the passage (or part of the passage) 13-14 times to find the answer. By the time they do two passages the time is over or they are tired and end up not doing the third passage. Is there a better way to approach the Reading Passages? • After experimenting with students, I have found a method to teach them, where they need to read the whole passage only once. They don't even have to read the whole passage, they have to read only one paragraph at a time, find all the answers which are there in that paragraph and then move on to the next paragraph. In this method, a student reads a paragraph only once and does not come back to it again. • It takes only about 15 minutes to find the answers to the questions on a passage. • The Reading Test in the IELTS is all about Reading Comprehension. You are being tested for your understanding of what you read. If you adopt a method of 'Keyword' hunting, you are going to fail. You have to adopt a method of 'Key-meaning' hunting and that can be done only by reading a paragraph and understanding it and then answering questions based on that becomes a cinch. • Method: • First, look at the kind of questions on the passage. Normally there will be three or four different kinds of questions. • Notice the questions for which answers will be in sequential order in the passage. • Within the above set of questions, see which one is easy to locate based on a number, a date, a year, a place, name of a person etc. Mark the location of these questions in the passage. If there are six TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN questions and if you locate the place of question number 4, then you know the answers to questions one to three will be above that and answers to five and six below that. • Do the same for other questions which have answers in sequential order in the passage. • Note that questions for which answers will not be in sequential order (Matching Headings, Matching Information etc) • Now start reading the first paragraph. Read it to understand the main idea. You do not have to understand every word. • Now start looking at the questions and see if any of the questions have an answer in the paragraph. Matching the Headings in the only exception as every paragraph has to have an answer. Once done move on paragraph number two. • Repeat the process. • You do not have to come back to the earlier paragraph unless you have a doubt about some answer and need clarification. • Your aim should be to read each paragraph only once. • The Reading Passage in this video is taken from The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS Student's Book published by Cambridge. The video is done only for study purpose and no copyright violation is intended. •