Marinella Di Selinunte Beach Sicily


Marinella Di Selinunte - Beach at the Belice River Nature Reserve, Sicily Italy / Spiaggia di Riserva Naturale del fiume Belice, Sicilia Italia / Plaża w Rezerwacie Przyrody Rzeki Belice, Sycylia Włochy/ Plage Nature River Reserve Belice, Sicile, Italie /Beach Nature Reserve Fluss Belice, Sizilien, Italien /Beach Nature Reserve River Belice, Szicília, Olaszország / Бич Заповедник реки Belice, Сицилия, Италия / Plaža Prirodni rezervat rijeke Belize, Sicilija, Italija / Beach Nature Reserve River Belice, Sicílie, Itálie / Beach Nature Reserve River Belice, Sicília, Taliansko /Beach naturreservat River Belice, Sicilien, Italien / Beach Nature Reserve River Belice, Sicilien, Italien / • On the video you can see the beautiful sandy beach of the nature reserve of the river Belice, located on the south west coast of Sicily, on the stretch between the towns of Marinella Di Selinunte and the Hotel Paradise Beach Resort. • Nature reserve river Belice was established by a decree by the Region of Sicily in 1984, and its management was entrusted province Trpani. • Nature reserve of the river Belice is a protected area and extends over 129 hectares, making it one of the largest nature reserves in Europe. It located on the last stretch of the river Belice between Marinella di Selinunte and Porto Palo on a length of about 4 km./ • Music: • song 3: Kevin MacLeod: Carefree – Licensed: Creative Commons Attribution ( • Source: • performer:


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