Funky Town Collab


This video is a collaboration! In honor of the one year anniversary of the What is Love Collab, which turned out so well that myself and others wanted to have another collab. Though the idea had been kicking around for a while, I didn't officially start organizing it until early February, when I was reminded that the one year anniversary of the What is Love Collab was coming up. Unlike that collab, though, which was originally supposed to be an unserious collab, I encouraged participants to be more serious from the get-go this time around. Hopefully that doesn't take away any of the charm this collab could have. Personally, I think it turned out fantastic. • 1.Me: For my part, I tried to stick to a theme of Flash cartoons, and overall I'm rather satisfied with the result. •    / theepicrob   • 2.Noble: Special thanks to Stan Brakhage. I nearly forgot to make this part again. Wack. Wack wack. •    / anotherytpmver   • 3.Gravy: Caring About YTPMV In 2013 •    / deathtrips   • 4.Remy: eggface 4 lyfe •    / remyrue   • 5.Handmaster: What is Funkytown??? But actually, it was really nice to be part of this collab. Been wanting to use another Shaq source for a while, and I wanted to include part of the what is love collab in it as well (notice the snare sample). •    / ohmyitsgodzilla   • 6.Elu: Ass •    / theelusivepirate   • 7.Thunderhead: just put ayasme or something •    / thund3rhead   • 8.LifeWaste: שמע ישראל and אני מודה לה? •    / lifewaste1618   • 9.Baycun: So I ended up replacing dzmyo near the end of the collab and ended up being the last entry, thus my entry was done in only about 6 hours over the course of 2 days. It was fun regardless, it gave me an opportunity to use samps that I've wanted to use but haven't necessarily had the ability to use in my own vids. Overall I wish dzmyo would've been able to make a part because I love his stuff, but I enjoy what I made anyways. •    / baycunn   • 10.Xar: So, last year I barely made any videos because I spent my free time playing games and being a lazy fuck. But I entered Rob's collab. This year, I'll make even less videos because my GPU died and I stopped having any free time. But I still entered Rob's collab. If that isn't some cool ass motivational shit, I don't know what is. •    / mrxarlable   • 11.DWL: Mike Dawson travels through the Light and Darkworlds to find a town that's right for him. Been wanting to source this masterpiece of a game again for a while now, so this collab gave me an excuse to finally do it. Didn't get my visuals quite how I wanted them, but everything worked out fine in the end. Here, Mike, I hope my part explains everything. •    / dwl1993   • 12.Stein: No description available. • ~Stein doesn't want you to know where he lives~ • 13.Bowen: Join me, Rob, and all the others at Sakuracon 2013! There'll be other popular guest stars such as MC Adore, Coconut Kappa, and even Sniper from gasp Team Fortress 2! Come reserve your hotels nearby today! •    / bowenkainz   • 14.Trog: So hot! You can thank me later! •    / trogdorbad   • 15.Khezu: can always do with more, arpeggiator: buta •    / darkkhezu   • 16.Hoboware: i don't really have the time nor the money to explain this •    / hoboware   • 17.Omni: I can't believe Xar's collab is fina- AH FUCK •    / omniputance   • 18.Star: Would have liked to do a little more with this, but I think it's alright considering I rushed it at the last minute. A little more high-effort, but also less funny than my • What is Love collab entry. Perhaps some day I'll make a video that's both at the same time??? •    / star98er   • 19.RandomTVbox: somebody help, I can't stop using this source •    / randomtvbox   • 20.Phazon: G.O.A.T. and Your Mom is the greatest band of all time, bar none, WT tHE hELL iN cLaSs rOOm •    / dukeonklednukem   • 21.INaN: Homeless Guy Eats Derek Roddy •    / imnotan00b   • 22.AleatoireMixes: This is a good vid. I approve, and it couldn't be possible without my waifu R~ •    / aleatoiremixes   • 23.Sheik: I was inspired to make this entry by the movie Igor the dark art style was what inspired me to make the dark visuals kinda like my personality •    / sheikmaster32   • 24.lnsector: I did Carl at the end. I was filling in for someone who dropped out because I was asked extremely nicely.Thank you for watching. •    • Insector- MEGAGOODSONG (Now with lyrics)   • Radock •    / thecw4kids   • I would like to personally thank everyone who finished their parts on time, with special regards to those who were stand-ins for others and had to work under shorter time constraints. Additional thanks to Dee and Star for doing lots of editing to get the final project all together. Special thanks to Goluigi, Lob, and Omni. Apologies to RobProductions, who made a part but wasn't included in the final video.


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