PROJECT BRUTALITY 30 Extermination Day Hell on Mars 100 SECRETS


Project Brutality 3.0 Extermination Day, Hell On Mars part playthrough with 100% Secrets achieved. Because Brutal Doom has just been released, so the PB might be released soon after. Remember that Project Brutality demands much more powerful PC than Brutal Doom, there much more weapons, enemies or items to load - including the VFX. If you want to download the Project Brutality, YOU MUST first enter the Project Brutality Discord from the link below and accept the invitation. Nope, I will not send you the link to the download because it will not be nice for the people who made the PB. Remember that the version you play from GitHub, is a permanent work in progress - do not expect from it to be polished. The changes to the GitHub version are made all the time, so most likely you will play other version than I do. You may notice that the animations are being remade all the time - switching the weapons has got a new cool look. Same with the movement, you can always turn it off - head bobbing and quick sidestepping together with weapon sway. The sprites for the Automatic Shotgun have been remade, for both normal and drum upgrade. The M2 Heavy Plasma Rifle is reworked - the upgrade does not fire the continuous stream of electricity as before. Instead you can launch the electric ball of death that works like some sort of electric grenade. • As for the Extermination Day, you can also notice some overhauls. Sixth map has got a bit different ending area with huge fan instead of the lift. It also features a secret with Megaarmor on the crate that needs a double jump to be reached. If you play the map with Brutal Doom, this secret might be unreachable to you because of the nerfed jumping. Level 7 is no longer a small claustrophobic area. Levels 8 and 9 are basically the same but with additional secrets to explore. Level 10 has got some layout changes with ADDITIONAL MARINES to help you - before, there were very small chances for them to survive the onslaught. • My Discord -   / discord   • Addons -


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