Yoga for Fibroids yoga with Mahak


🤷🏼‍♀️ You got UTERINE FIBROIDS? Read this 🛑 Important 👇Are you experiencing heavy bleeding between or during your periods? it might be Fibroids. Get it checked. • It reduces chances of pregnancy, chances of conception, and causes heavy blood loss. • Check full course in managing fibroids on website - Link in Bio • Fibroids are non-cancerous growths in the uterus that appear during childbearing age. Symptoms such as this, or others like feeling pressure or fullness in the lower abdomen, may indicate that you are suffering from a disorder called fibroids. This condition requires the immediate attention of a specialised fibroid clinic. • The above yoga asanas are going to help if you have fibroids, if practiced daily along with walking and good diet. It will not cure it 100%, but it can help stop it from growing huge. • 🩸Symptoms • Fibroids can grow silently or result in a range of symptoms that interrupt normal life. • Leg and back pain. • Discomfort in rectum, constipation, and diarrhoea. • Pain during sex. • Painful periods accompanied by heavy bleeding. • Constant weakness and fatigue. • Bladder and bowel dysfunction. • Swelling or bloating in the lower abdomen. • Intense pain and pressure in the pelvic region along with debilitating cramps. • Consider Ayurveda, or naturopathy to cure fibroids along with Yoga. • Your diet matters alot. There are several herbs like mulethi, Haldi, and Shatavari that are considered helpful in reducing fibroids. • In most cases, these tumours are benign, but at some point in time, they can disrupt your menstrual cycle and cause fertility issues, and eventually need to be removed. Although there is no precise reason as to why this disorder occurs, some of the contributing factors include hormonal imbalance, family history, and pregnancy. An imbalance of the oestrogen and progesterone hormones, cause the uterine lining to regenerate, and may overstimulate the growth of fibroids in each menstrual cycle. • #fibroid #endometriosis #pcod #irregularperiods #conceive #womenhealth #fertility #fibroids #heavyperiods #yogatherapy #heavybleeding #painfulsex #fibroidsawareness #fibroidsolution #yogawithmhak


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