Brownheaded Cowbird Call A Bird Sitting In A Tree shorts
In my backyard, there were multiple Brown-headed Cowbirds perching on branches in trees. The Brown-headed Cowbirds were making a lot of noise, calling out to each other. In this video, a small group of Brown-headed Cowbirds was producing mating calls. This call is a Brown-headed Cowbird Courtship display. They appear to be receiving a response from other Brown-headed Cowbirds further away. The Brown-headed Cowbirds were spreading their wings and making loud call sounds. Brown-headed Cowbirds produce a variety of liquid-sounding and low gurgling notes followed by whistling sounds. • Click The Link To Watch The Full Video: • • Brown-headed Cowbird Mating Call - Sp... • -- • Bird watching is a hobby of mine. I enjoy making quality videos for bird lovers and anyone interested in birds to watch. My bird watching videos are recorded in Southern Ontario, Canada. All of my videos are recorded in High Definition. • Follow me on Instagram for bird watching photography and more. • / corey_schmaltz • Like, Comment, and Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for more bird watching video content. • Click This Link To Subscribe: / @thebackyardbirdercs