8 Most Dangerous Rivers in the World

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From the Amazon to the Nile and more! Here are the Most Dangerous Rivers in the world today! • Subscribe For New Videos! https://goo.gl/jhvhXL • Secret tricks businesses are using to make you spend more! :    • Secret tricks businesses are using to...   • Crazy Things That Only Happen In Dubai :    • Crazy Things That Only Happen In Dubai   • 8. The Amazon River • Sometimes a river is dangerous just because of the waters themselves and how they ebb and flow. But in regards to the Amazon River, located within the Amazon Rainforest, this river is dangerous because of what resides INSIDE those waters. • 7. The Nile River • There are many dangers to be found in the Nile river. There are deadly snakes, spiders, huge aggressive animals and crocodiles, as well as some unfriendly native people. • 6. Rio Tinto • Aside from being a home to deadly animals, a river can also be deadly and dangerous because of its makeup. Meaning the literal chemicals and entities that reside within it. A great example of this is the orange-ish red Rio Tinto River in Spain. • 5. The Yangtze River • In China, you’ll find The Yangtze River, a 4000-mile river that’s importance is huge to the region as a whole because of its various uses over the years. To name some, it's been known for irrigation, sanitation, transportation, industry, boundary-marking, and war. So yeah, it's been used a lot, but, that's also part of the problem. • 4. The Boiling River • The term boiling water often refers to cooking. Like boiling noodles for pasta, boiled eggs. • Yet thanks to explorer Andres Ruzo, we know that there is a river in the Amazon Rainforest that is quite literally boiling. • 3. Yenisei River • The Yenisei River in Russia is the true divider between East and West Siberia. It's also one of the worlds' largest rivers by discharge. It's so massive that it actually goes right through many major cities in Russia. • 2. Bubbly Creek • In Chicago, there is a place called Bubbly Creek. This creek is not a river per se, but it is in fact the South Fork of the South Branch of the Chicago River, and it's got quite a history...and not exactly a good one. • 1. Zambezi River • The Zambezi River is hailed by some as the most dangerous river in the world. • One writer of the Guardian did an expedition of the river and counted 188,000 crocodiles and 90,000 hippos. • #dangerousrivers #deadlyrivers #planetexplained


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