Learn The Bible In 20 Minutes From Genesis To Revelations
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The Way of the Dream: https://geni.us/B1yCBi • Visit Us Online at Enlighten-University: http://enlighten-university.com/ • Become a Member: / @enlightenchannel • Music By Gabrielle Roth and the Mirrors: https://ravenrecording.com/ • Support us on Patreon: / enlighten • Contact me: [email protected] • So in the beginning God created the world very good and set Adam in the garden of Eden. There Adam was in perfect union with God. Then, tempted by the Serpent, Adam ate of the knowledge of Good and Evil. He was consequently banished from Eden and condemned to mortality and all creation was 'subjected to decay' -Romans. • Adam and Eve had children but their children became stained with sin and as a result God sent the flood of Noah destroying all life on earth. Noah emerged from Ark and God promised Noah that he would never destroy the world with water again and sealed his covenant with Noah by setting a Rainbow in the clouds. The Noahide Covenant was established which forbid murder, the eating of blood and 5 other rules. • After Noah several generations passed with Abram of Uz was born. God called to Abram and requested he travel west to the land of Canaanites. Abram, with Lot, Sarai and his father traveled west until they reached Haran. Abram's father died in Haran and they carried on into Canaan. God promised Abram offspring and Abram believed God. God counted Abram's faith as righteousness and sealed with him a Covenant in his flesh, the covenant of circumcision. Promising him the land he lived on. • Abram begat Isaac in his old age, Isaac begat Jacob and Jacob had his name changed to Israel and begat 12 sons. Joseph was banished to Egypt but his brothers and parents and the entire house of Jacob followed him to Egypt. • Pharoah persecuted the Israelites and Moses appeared to free Israel. God called to Moses from the burning bush and sent him to chastise the nation of Egypt. Moses freed Israel from Egypt and leading them by fire at night and a cloud by day he took them through the sea to the mountain of Sinai and there Israel received God's Law, the Torah. Israel though was a stiff-necked nation and refused to obey God. So God punished them forcing them to wander in the wilderness 40 years. Once their entire generation passed away God lead them up passed the land of Edom into the region of Moab where Moses conquered several nations. Moses was refused entry into the promised land because he quarreled at the waters of Maribah. Joshua lead Israel into the promised land. • For several generations Israel was lead by Judges who brought Israel back to God time and time again until the time of Samuel when Saul was announced king. Saul displeased God and so the kingship was passed to David. David was a man after Gods own heart and God blessed David with a covenant. God promised him that his lineage would never depart from the throne of Israel. • David died and Solomon built the temple. Solomons sons divided Israel into two kingdoms, Judah and Israel. Israel angered God and God sent them Elijah to punish them with drought. But Israel was destroyed by Assyria in 722 BC. Israel was banished and they've become the 'lost tribes'. • Judah held firm but was warned repeatedly by the prophets. Until 586 BCE Israel was invaded by Babylon and destroyed. • When Israel was in exile the prophets predicted that Israel would be restored and an everlasting king would reign in Judah. Israel started looking foward to the Kingdom of God. • Under Cyrus the Great Israel was free to return home and Nehemiah and Ezra orchestrated the construction of the temple. Israel was disappointed though because the promised Kingdom hadn't come. Then Alexander the Great invaded Judah and subjected them. • Eventually the Maccabees rose up in revolt and freed Israel the establish the Hasmonead Dynasty of Herod The Great. Then the Romans came. • Jesus was born in the reign of Ceasar Augustus and was proclaimed Messiah. He taught that the kingdom was going to be given to another nation because Israel did not recognize the time of their visitation from God Jesus was then crucified and rose again and paid the penalty for sin that was set down by Adam. He established the final covenant in his body and blood. Instituting the Eucharist as the new passover lamb. The mass is the re-enactment of this covenant. The Apostles went through out the empire preaching the Gospel. • Then in 70AD Jerusalem was destroyed. Judaism and Christianity went their separate ways and Christianity consumed the Roman Empire. The successor of Peter became the Pope and Rome became the New Jerusalem. Christ now reigns as King in heaven and his steward the Pope in on earth and we await the full revelation of Christ who will come and regather Israel to himself and bring about the Kingdom of God.