Fukushimanın Radyoaktif Suları Okyanusa Boşaltılınca Ne Olacak

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Japan has decided to dump radioactive water from the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant into the Pacific Ocean. As you can imagine, the decision to put this water, known as tritiated water , into circulation has caused a huge public outcry. Those who experienced the Chernobyl disaster, for example, interpreted Japan's decision as a repeat of Chernobyl . China immediately announced that it would cut off its seafood exports from Japan - a major blow to the Japanese economy. In an attempt to stem the tide, Japan has organized tours of the plant, giving guests bottles of water that will be discharged into the ocean to examine and verify that there is nothing to fear. • But all this circus aside, what do the scientific facts say about this decision? What is this tritiated water ? Can we no longer trust the water we drink? Let's take a look at these and much more! • #Fukushima #HeavyWater #Radioactivity • 00:00 Introduction: What is happening in Fukushima? • 01:03 Bekerel: How Radiation Levels in Turkey Changed After the Chernobyl Disaster • 04:01 Turkey's Test with Radiation in Tea... • 05:20 Waiting: Radiation is a Diminishing Event Where It Stops! • 06:39 Half-Life: How Fast Are Radioactive Isotopes Disappearing? • 07:20 When is Waiting Not the Solution in Radioactivity? • 08:20 Dilution: A Way to Get Rid of Radioactive Materials... • 09:40 Tohoku Earthquake: Why Did the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Explode ? • 11:32 Millions of Liters: Why Japan will dump radioactive water into the ocean • 12:40 Is it possible to clean water from radiation? • 13:32 Tritiated Water: What is Tritium? • 14:30 Waiting and Dilution: How to Get Rid of Tritium? • 15:39 Natural Tritium: How Nuclear Bomb Tests Changed the Oceans • 17:19 What is the Human Dangerous Dose of Tritium? • 18:24 Overestimating Dilution: Why Homeopathy is Bullshit • 19:48 Is Japan the Only Country Pouring Tritiated Water into the Ocean? • 20:11 The Importance of Science Communication: Why Japan Can't Tell People What It's Doing Is Safe • 22:11 Closing: Mistakes of the past should not be a barrier to progress in the future! • *** • 📽️ Videography Post-Production: Cinar Ege Bakirci • Evrim Ağacı's work on science storytelling in Turkey is entirely funded by its readers and viewers. If you find what we do useful and want to help us do more: • 💪 You can join our Patreon or Kreosus supporters:   / evrimagaci   | https://kreosus.com/evrimagaci • 📹 If you wish, you can also support us by using YouTube's JOIN option:    / @evrimagaci   • 🎪 To buy science t-shirts, books and other products: https://pazar.evrimagaci.org/ • 🎈 To support via IBAN number, cryptocurrency or PayPal: https://evrimagaci.org/destekol • 📕 Learn more about why we need support here: https://evrimagaci.org/destekol • Thank you so much for standing by us! ❤ • *** • SOME USEFUL LINKS: • To watch our latest uploaded video: https://dar.vin/SonVideo • To watch our most popular video: https://dar.vin/EnPopuler • To subscribe to our channel: https://dar.vin/EAYouTube


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