Pokémon Diamond NDS Longplay Part 22
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=pbDGp9170Zk
Originally recorded for https://www.longplays.org • Pokémon Diamond Version and Pokémon Pearl Version are the first core series Pokémon RPGs released on the Nintendo DS, beginning Generation IV. • The games were released in Japan on September 28, 2006, in North America on April 22, 2007, and in Europe on July 27, 2007. • They take place in the region of Sinnoh and the player's starting area is Twinleaf Town. • In contrast to my longplays of Silver, Blue and Ruby i build a team. • My name is Mario98, rival name is like in Silver Broedge based on the german streamer BroedgeMan . • 10/10