Real traditional Karate 空手 and Myint Kywe 先生
In this video Sensei Jumoke goes through Kihon Kata. This is the first kata we learn at Zen-Shin, and is often the first kata in other clubs and styles. • 'Kihon' means 'basic', and is made up of a gedan barai (lower sweeping block) and oi zuki (lunge punch). They are some of the first techniques that we learn in karate. • Zenkutsu Dachi (front stance) is used throughout the kata. Remember that the front knee is bent, and the back leg is straight. The feet are facing forward, in the direction you are looking. When stepping in this stance, perform the 'C' step, which ensures you bring your weight through the middle as you step. • Let me know how you get on. I look forward to reading your comments. • 0:00 Intro • 0:09 Kihon Kata (Front View) • 1:00 Kihon Kata (Follow Along View) • 1:43 Outro • For more information about what we do: • Website: • Instagram: @zenshinmartialarts • Facebook: Zen-Shin Martial Arts Academy • Patreon: