Ghost Dan Tribulation Friday Night Funkin Vs Demonex
I KNOW YOU ARE WATCHING THIS. WOULD BE A SHAME IF IT ALL ENDED THERE. SO HOW ABOUT WE HAVE SOME FUN BEFORE YOUR DEMISE? - Demonex • Decided to clean and upgrade this song a bit because I noticed some problems occurred on the first version. (Demonex vocal sounds like he's underwater, the instrumental is kinda empty) So I decided to clean the song up a bit. The instrumental finally has a bass, the guitar is a bit more louder, a distorted instrument is on the instrumental, and Demonex's vocal is now clean. (Thanks OTT and Equalizer lmao) • I could've called this Tribulation v2 but this is more of a cleanup than a remake so e h h, whatevs lol • EXE's drawing, background, laugh and roar were done by @officialmetalxser396 (Give this man some love. His drawing swag.) • The song, visual, and editing was done by me. • Instrumental: • Ghost Dan - Tribulation [Instrumental... • ====================================================== • Make sure to LIKE, SHARE, AND SUBSCRIBE. • Watch me on DeviantArt: • Follow me on Soundcloud: • Follow me on Twitter: • Check out my gaming channel!! (featuring my brothers): / @thebrothersgamer9215