Makaton I AM THE MUSIC MAN Singing Hands
It's time to grab your #instruments and join in with this #Makaton signed version of the Music Man! It's a great tune for making some noise and learning the sequence of instruments. • Don't worry if you don't have any instruments - pop into the kitchen and get a saucepan and wooden spoon or fill up an old bottle with rice or lentils and bingo! you've got your own home-made orchestra :) • Remember to download this track from your preferred music provider - you can find this song on all the major downloading and/or streaming services. • Don't forget to press SUBSCRIBE to our channel so you get to find out about all our latest uploads :) • For more information about Singing Hands, please visit: • / email us [email protected] • Or come and join us: • / singinghands • / singinghands • / singing_hands • Makaton Nursery rhyme • Makaton songs for adults • Makaton songs for schools • Makaton choir • Makaton singing and signing