L23 Thermoelasticty subsurface engineering applications and constitutive equation
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=pfANQYz3sGM
This is a video recording of Lecture 23 of PGE 383 (Fall 2020) Advanced Geomechanics at The University of Texas at Austin delivered on 2020/10/16 by DN Espinoza ( / dnegeomechanics . • Topics: applications of thermo-elasticity to subsurface engineering, thermo-elastic constitutive equation for linear elastic isotropic media, thermal dilation/contraction, thermal stress compression/tension. • Links • Thermal fracturing while camping: / 1275114909316124674 • Minsu's liquid N2 fracturing: https://www.houstonchronicle.com/busi...