Why EGYPT Collapsed
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Ancient Black Egypt Greatest Civilisation Why Did It Fall? • http://www.lifespiritofamenkhem.com • The African Ancient civilisation of Egypt is the greatest ever in history. • Where is it Today? • Can4- There is no doubt that of the 6 Earth changing civilisations that fertilised the earth the seventh that of Egypt captivates humanity. The name Egypt is Greek Aegyptos, The Egyptian name Hwata-Ka-Ptah. we learn anything from its collapse? • First How Did Afrikans Achieve such a high civilisation? • How did It all start… • It was a Divine GIFT! • Our ancestors conceived the philosophy of knowledge using Ancestral Spirituality. • The Great ancestors became receptors of Neters? • the influx of Christianity Judaism and Islam…put paid the end of the powerful science magic OUR religion the old religion, • Conclusion • Are you a Christian, A Hebrew Israelite, a black Jew, a Buddhist? • Maybe you are a black Muslim? • Following the nation of Islam or Shiite or Sunni? • You believe in the Koran but you are black. • If YES Don’t ask how Afrika collapsed and remains on the ground, trodden by all sundry, • IT is us collectively. • OUR Politicians continue in the ways of Wahibre and Amasis… • YET in all the Ruckus You have a Duty rescue your SOUL… • It is an exciting and highly deadly operation. • Yes it can be done. • It is an undisclosed way • a powerful secret indeed….If you know this is your time Get in touch… • Comment and Share.